Huge Graduate Grow Boosts SuperGrads
Released on = June 16, 2007, 6:52 am
Press Release Author = SuperGrads
Industry = Human Resources
Press Release Summary = British Internet-based graduate HR organisation SuperGrads ( has announced that the number of graduates using its website has risen spectacularly from the already large figures for this time last year, with 250% more new graduates being served each day than in 2006.
Press Release Body = SuperGrads\' Managing Director, Aidan Barnett, kicked off SuperGrads\' 2007 graduation season recruitment with its now traditional \'guerilla marketing\' style promotions in universities across the UK. Speaking from SuperGrads HQ, Mr Barnett said of the promotions \"We set out to run a hard and fast campaign this year, everyone involved has performed flawlessly. A new graduate joins SuperGrads every 2.5 minutes, making us one of the fastest growing recruitment organisations in the UK today.\"
Speaking to graduates it is easy to see why SuperGrads is so popular. \"It\'s just so easy and saves me time\" said one, another continued \"it would take months for me to research and reach the same number of employers I can reach in an afternoon by putting my CV on .\"
SuperGrads is indeed growing quickly, it\'s revolutionary CV matching technology enables employers to build a profile of their ideal candidate before letting the system find the matching candidates from a pool of thousands drawn from universities across the nation. It\'s has proven a hit with employers, especially those with special requirements for their new employees. \"From High Street banks to major electronics manufacturers, we\'ve served just about every type of employer you can think of on SuperGrads, our customers have organisations of all sizes from 1 to 2 employees to over 100,000\" explained Mr Barnett, \"SuperGrads benefits everyone\".
SuperGrads is headquartered in rural Staffordshire, UK and serves customers throughout the UK and Europe every day. You can reach them at .
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